Kinder-Gesichtsmaske – Medizinische Kinder-Gesichtsmaske zum Einmalgebrauch Typ I.
Lieferumfang: 50 Stk. Kinder Masken im Paket.
Diese dreilagige Gesichtsmaske besteht aus hautfreundlichem Material und ist auch über einen längeren Zeitraum angenehm zu tragen. Dank integriertem Nasenclip und elastischen Ohrschlaufen lässt sich die Hygienemaske individuell an die Gesichtsform anpassen.
- 3-lagige Maske
- Optimale Hautverträglichkeit
- Angenehm zu tragen
- Breathable
- Passform dank Nasenclip und Ohrschlaufen
- Meltblown Filter
- 145mm x 90mm
Hygienemasken schützen sowohl den Träger vor Verunreinigungen in der Luft als auch den Gegenüber. Kindermasken mit der Größe 145mm x 90mm, passgenau.
Die Hygienemaske enthält Filtermaterial, das kleinste Partikel in der Luft wie Viren oder Staub herausfiltern kann. Voraussetzung dafür ist das richtige Tragen und die richtige Verwendung der Hygienemaske. Nach dem Aufsetzen der Hygienemaske dürfen keine Freiräume zwischen Gesicht und Maske vorhanden sein, durch die kontaminierte Luft beim Einatmen die Partikelfilterung umgehen kann. Gerade bei Bärten ist der richtige Verschluss der Maske – nah am Gesicht – wichtig.
Der verstellbare Nasenbügel und die elastischen Ohrgummis aus weichem Stretchmaterial erhöhen den Tragekomfort und sorgen für einen sicheren Sitz der Maske. Maske richtig? Maske bequem? Bei Novaletis finden Sie auch Masken für Ihre Kinder.
Funktionen der Hygienemaske für Kinder, Kinder Masken, Schutzmasken Kinder:
Diese Hygienemasken fangen die Partikel in der Luft auf.
- Hygienische Einwegmaske
- Standard: EN14683: 2019 + AC: 2019
- Registriertes Medizinprodukt in Deutschland
- Bakterienfilterleistung (BFE)> 95%
- Angenehm zu tragen
- Atmungsaktiv
- Passform dank Nasenclip und Ohrschlaufen
- 145mm x 90mm
- EN ISO 13485: 2016 vom TÜV Rheinland
- EG-Konformitätserklärung
- EG-Zulassungsbescheinigung
- Technische Unterlagen des Herstellers
Kindergesichtsmaske, Kindergesichtsmaske, Gesichtsmaske für Kinder
Die Masken bzw. Kindermasken werden automatisch auf „ausverkauft“ gesetzt, sobald unser Schweizer Vorrat aufgebraucht ist.
Die Maske allein bietet Ihnen keinen 100%igen Schutz vor dem Coronavirus, berühren Sie sich nicht ins Gesicht und halten Sie sich an die Anweisungen und Empfehlungen der Bundesregierung!
Hygienemasken passen nicht zu jedem Gesicht. Achte darauf, dass die Maske eng an deinem Gesicht anliegt. Wenn die Maske Ihr Gesicht nicht effektiv abdichtet, erhalten Sie keinen ausreichenden Schutz. Bei einigen Gruppen kann keine vollständige Abdichtung erreicht werden. This includes children and people with facial hair, among others.
Bitte halten Sie sich beim Aufsetzen und Abnehmen der Schutzmaske an unsere Empfehlungen.
Novaletis can offer you a better price for a larger order quantity. Inquire now: Large quantity inquiry! and buy children’s masks!
The Novaletis team is always available to answer any questions or questions you may have. Buy the right mouthguard!
Buy and use hygiene masks, children’s masks
The FOPH recommends the use of a hygienic mask (surgical mask, surgical mask) for:
(Health) specialists who examine and care for patients, residents or customers and who cannot keep a minimum distance of two meters
Healthcare workers who provide services that involve close contact (less than two meters away) with patients, residents or people at particular risk (e.g. room cleaning in care facilities or maintenance of medical devices at home).
People with symptoms of an acute respiratory infection1 who have to leave the house (e.g. for a doctor’s appointment). Without a hygienic mask, the symptomatic person must always keep a distance of two meters from other people.
Children face mask
People aged twelve and over must wear a mask or wear a mask on all public transport. Children wear masks. The mask requirement applies in trains, trams and buses as well as in mountain railways, cable cars and ships. The mask requirement also applies on the outside deck of ships. This does not apply to ski lifts and chairlifts. There is also a mask requirement on all scheduled and charter flights that take off or land in Switzerland.
Children under the age of twelve do not have to wear a mask or wear a mask. Children wear masks. Also exempt from the mask requirement are people who for special reasons, mainly medical ones, are unable to wear masks. This includes the following: facial injuries, extreme shortness of breath, anxiety when wearing a mask and disabilities that make wearing a mask unreasonable or unworkable. In order to communicate with people who have a hearing impairment, public transport staff in particular are allowed to take off their masks.
It is very difficult for children to wear adult hygiene masks. In order to ensure the right protection for our loved ones, the following applies: buy the right mouthguard, namely children’s masks!
You can find detailed information here.
What is the new coronavirus?
The local origin of the coronavirus epidemic in China is likely a market in the central Chinese city of Wuhan. In addition to fish, bats, snakes and other wild animals were also traded there. The virus was transmitted to humans from animals, probably from bats or indirectly via pangolins. Since then, the virus has been transmitted from person to person. The Chinese authorities closed the market in early January 2020.
The new coronavirus, called „SARS-CoV-2“, belongs to the same virus family as six other coronaviruses that have been known to humans for years or decades. This includes four human coronaviruses. They have always caused runny nose and rather mild colds in the winter months.
Coronaviruses also include:
- the SARS virus „SARS-CoV-1“, transmitted from civets to humans in southern China in 2003 and
the MERS virus, transmitted from dromedaries to humans on the Arabian Peninsula in 2012. - SARS and MERS are severe acute respiratory diseases with a high mortality rate: around 10 and 35 percent, respectively. For comparison: the mortality rate from the new coronavirus in Switzerland is currently around 5 percent.
The coronaviruses are enveloped RNA viruses (RNA = ribonucleic acid). This means: They have a lipid shell (a film of fat) that can be dissolved with soap and water or with disinfectants. This inactivates the viruses.
The right mouthguard can prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Buy the right mouthguard!
Wearing a children face mask in everyday life
We generally recommend in all situations: Wear a mask if you cannot keep a distance of 1.5 meters from other people and if there is no physical protection. For example, physical protection means a partition. Our children can comfortably wear children’s masks. These are made to measure for the children’s faces.
The wearing of masks as well as children’s masks in public serves primarily to protect other people. An infected person can be contagious without knowing it as long as two days before symptoms appear. So if everyone wears a mask in a confined space, each person is protected from the others. Wearing a mask does not guarantee 100% protection, but this slows down the spread of the new coronavirus.
Situations in which we recommend that you wear a children face mask
For body-hugging services, for example in the hairdressing salon or in the cosmetic, massage and tattoo studio, both customers and staff should wear a mask if the distance is less than 1.5 meters.
When visiting a doctor or hospital, we recommend that you wear a mask and, for the children, the children wear masks. Find out in advance about the institution’s regulations.
In all sectors, employers must ensure that employees can comply with the recommendations of the BAG regarding hygiene and distance. To this end, appropriate measures are to be provided and implemented. Such measures can also include a mask requirement, for example for bar or restaurant staff.
Novaletis recommends: Buy children face mask, kids face mask!
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